i got myself a canon 550d a few days ago. coming from a nikon d40, it took a while for me to get used to the interface. thankfully it was pretty intuitive, with the menus laid out in a very idiot-friendly manner. i love that it's light enough for me not to think twice about bringing it around regularly. still, the thing i'm most excited about with this camera is the video prowess that this little monster offers. judging by some of the videos (vimeo:"february") taken by the camera, i know it's a very capable hd video shooter. i opted for a canon instead of nikon for my next dslr because the 550D's main rival, the D90, can only do 720p video. the 550d can do 1080p at 24fps. lovely.
i have so many ideas that need to get made into short films and this camera will be put through it's paces in the next few weeks. this will be fun.